Sunday, January 8, 2017

German: Roommate Role-Play 2

Here is another German role-play for beginner levels although it could be modified to suit more advanced levels as well. It could also be easily adapted for any other language.

A New Roommate

It's a new semester and you are moving into your dorm room. However, your roommate is already there. He/She is from Germany and is a little bit lost. Start a conversation and try to help your roommate with any questions/concerns he/she might have.

You should try to cover the following:
- Introduce yourselves (Age, Where you're from, majors, etc.)
- Ask when the German student arrived
- Talk about [insert your city/campus] and what one can do here
- Talk about the college/university life
- Discuss the rules in the dorm/campus - what is/isn't permitted
- Ask how you can help him/her and invite them to go with you for dinner
- What will classes and schedules be like
- Differences between American and German college/university studies
- Schedules
- Roommate Agreements + misc.

Let us know what you think!

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