Tuesday, January 10, 2017

German: Besucher(in) aus Deutschland Role-Play

Here is another role-play to help your German learners practice their speaking skills.

Ein(e) Besucher(in) aus Deutschland

Your family is accepting a German exchange student for a semester. The student has never been tot he U.S. before and calls you from Germany to get some preliminary information. He/She speaks little English, so the entire conversation will be in English. One student will play the role of the American student and one will play the part of the German student.

You should aim to cover the following:

- When is the student arriving?
- What will they be studying?
- Will they need any special accommodations?
- How many people are in your family?
- What do they look like?
- What do they like to do?
- What can one do in your city?
- What does your family look like?
- What kind of people are they?
- What types of food does your family eat?

Let us know what you think!

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