Tuesday, January 10, 2017

German: Im Cafe Role-Play

Here is another great role-play to give your students speaking practice for German:

Im Cafe

You are an American student studying in [Insert German City] for one year. While in a cafe you recognize one of the people at a nearby table. He/she is in one of your classes. Being friendly, you strike up a conversation with the German student. He/She asks you about your first few weeks at the university. You answer his/her questions, and use this opportunity to learn more about the city.

One student plays the role of the American student while the other plays the role of the German student. You should try to cover the following during the conversation:

- What you are studying
- What your professors are like
- What your schedule is like
- How the German university/city compare to your American university/city
- What there is to do and see in the German city
- The best places to shop for food and other necessities

Let us know what you think!

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