“Un-Babel-ing Language: Engendering Global Understandings”
International Language Conference 2012
Northern Caribbean University (NCU), Mandeville, Jamaica, W.I. *************************************************************************************
International Language Conference April 3-4, 2012 *************************************************************************************
Theme: “Un-Babel-ing Language: Engendering Global Understandings” ************************************************************************************
The main objectives of this Second International Language Conference are to:
• Bring together language teachers interested in the exchange of views on a wide range of issues affecting research and practice in the teaching of languages.
• Enable participants to gain better insights into the best language teaching practices, as well as the challenges and rewards of the profession.
• Provide a forum for debate and discussion of ideas surrounding the teaching of reading, writing, composition and literature.
• Create opportunities for collaborative efforts among colleagues for research and publication with a view to international development.
Meeting Location: Northern Caribbean University, Mandeville, Jamaica | ||
Contact Information: Camille Lindsay camille.lindsay@ncu.edu.jm | ||
Meeting Dates: The International Language Conference 2012 will be held from 03-Apr-2012 to 04-Apr-2012. http://linguistlist.org/confcustom/customhome.cfm?emeetingid=1302J84658569A5A408040441 |