Today I wanted to share a fun role-play activity about having interviews in Japanese. First, each student writes a name of any company on a piece of paper. Then mix all of them, and distribute one to each student randomly. A student will be a CEO of the company (For example, if you get a piece of paper that says "SONY", you are the president of SONY!) Then half of the students become interviewers who want to hire smart students, and the others become students who are looking for jobs.
面接官(めんせつかん; Interviewer)
You are the president of a company and at a career forum. You want to hire qualified students for your company. You have only 3 minutes to interview the students. By asking questions, such as their majors, their interests, or what they have done so far, decide who the best to hire.
学生(がくせい; student)
You are a senior at Purdue and trying to get a job at the career forum. You are looking for a company where you can do what you want to do. Sell yourself and get a job!
Key vocabulary:
〜に 興味(きょうみ)が ある。Interested in ~
もう〜てある。Something is done already
〜ておく。Make preparations
〜ため:for the purpose of
まだ: yet
Interviewers and students can make their own dialogues using the key vocabulary.
Nice to meet you, my name is ~ from ~ university.
Okay, please have a seat.
What is your major?