Title: Full-time Lecturer (100% FTE) (German) in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, SIU Carbondale.
Rank: Lecturer (non-tenure-track).
Qualifications: Master's
Degree with ABD status required in German or a related field; Ph.D.
preferred. Applicants must have excellent fluency in German and English,
college-level teaching experience, and strong communication skills.
Experience with one or more of the following is preferred: oral/written
proficiency testing; general education or interdisciplinary courses (in
English); experience in Business German or Study Abroad.
Duties: Full-time teaching load is 12 credit hours or the equivalent per semester.
Effective date of appointment: August 16, 2013. Term appointment is for one-semester with possibility of renewal contingent on University approval.
Application Deadline: May 24, 2013, or until position is filled.
Application Procedure: Submit
letter of application, CV, copy of graduate transcript, three letters
of reference, and evidence of success in college-level teaching.
Electronic applications preferred.
Submit application materials to:
Ms. Stevee McIntyre
Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures
Mail Code 4521
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
1000 Faner Dr.
Carbondale, IL 62901
Email: smcint@siu.edu.
Questions about the position can be directed to the chair of the search committee, Professor Carola Daffner: cdaffner@siu.edu.
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strives to enhance its ability to develop a diverse faculty and staff
and to increase its potential to serve a diverse student population.
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