DW Daniel High School, in Central, SC, near
Clemson University. The school was recently named by US News as one of
the top 100 public high schools in the country; excellent teaching
environment, secure program. With only 1000 students in the school, the
German department has around 200 students, including German 1 through
AP, and two full time teachers. Teaching assignment would be for Honors
3, Honors 4, and AP German, as well as responsibility for the exchange
program. Experience and excellent German skills a must! The job has been
posted on
http://www.pickens.k12.sc.us/. Click on Departments/Human Resource Services/Vacancies
Feel free to contact Kathleen Dickel with questions at kathleendickel@pickens.k12.sc.us
Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross