3rd Malaysia International Conference on Academic Strategies in English Language Teaching
Maximising ELT Potential for Diversity and Intelligibility
15-16 December 2010
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
After two successful conferences, My_CASELT returns with the aim of bringing together ELT practitioners, researchers, curriculum designers, professionals in corporate communication and others interested in the development of English as an international language to:
Increase understanding and knowledge of current ELT practices;
Promote innovative approaches while reflecting on challenges, both old and new;
Encourage research collaboration; and
Facilitate networking and exchange of experiences among policy makers, researchers, and educators.
Maximising ELT Potential for Diversity and Intelligibility
15-16 December 2010
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
After two successful conferences, My_CASELT returns with the aim of bringing together ELT practitioners, researchers, curriculum designers, professionals in corporate communication and others interested in the development of English as an international language to:
Increase understanding and knowledge of current ELT practices;
Promote innovative approaches while reflecting on challenges, both old and new;
Encourage research collaboration; and
Facilitate networking and exchange of experiences among policy makers, researchers, and educators.