Second Language Studies and ESL
April 14, 2012
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Keynote Speaker: Fred Davidson, University of Illinois,
Featured Speaker: Muriel Gallego, Ohio University
Submission deadline: March 2, 2012
The Purdue University Graduate Student Symposium on
Second Language Studies and English as a Second
Language is a growing forum for research focusing on a
variety of issues related to SLS and ESL. The
Symposium is designed to give graduate students a
chance to present their work in a professional and
welcoming setting. We encourage submissions from a
variety of fields and perspectives that can contribute to an
understanding of language use, language teaching, and
language learning. We welcome cross-disciplinary
proposals (such as relevant work from education,
psychology, or sociology). Proposals grounded in action
research (inside and outside the classroom), works in
progress, and pilot research are also welcome.
Proposal topics include (but are not limited to):
• Analysis of discourse and interaction
• Applied linguistics
• Classroom practice and pedagogy
• Corpus linguistics
• Intercultural rhetoric
• Research methodologies
• Second and foreign language policy
• Second language acquisition
• Second language assessment and testing
• Second language writing
• Sociolinguistics
• Theory
• World Englishes and lingua francas
Proposals of three types are requested:
Paper presentation: 20 minutes long, followed by 5
minutes for discussion. Both individual and group
presentations are encouraged.
Panel: 45 minutes long, followed by 15 minutes for
discussion. A panel is a forum for presenters to discuss a
current issue. Panels are limited to three members,
including the leader.
Workshop: a 45-minute, hands-on professional
development activity.
Rooms will be equipped with computer and AV equipment.
Submission process guidelines:
Email a proposal as an attached PDF or Word document
to slssymposium@gmail.com by March 2, 2012. Please
type “SLS Symposium Proposal” as the subject line of
your email. Proposals should include:
Page 1: Name, affiliation, address, phone number, email
address, and a 50-word biographical statement.
Page 2: Title; Type of Session (presentation, panel, or
workshop); Content Area (choose from the list above or
specify); Abstract (max. 50 words); Description (max.
250 words)
The title, abstract, and biographical statement will appear
in the Symposium Program, but only reviewers will see
the description.
Factors affecting selection:
Topic reflects current research. Title accurately reflects
the content of the presentation. Abstract does not exceed
50 words and accurately conveys the contents of the
presentation. Description does not exceed 250 words, has
a clearly stated purpose and point of view, shows an
appropriate amount of material for the allotted time, and
does not make explicit reference to the presenter’s status
or work.
Specific recommendations for:
Paper presentation: synopsis, including central idea and
supporting evidence
Panel: synopsis of issues and roles of panel members
Workshop: statement of goal, synopsis of theoretical
framework, and description of tasks.
Website: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~eslgo/symposium.html
Questions? Email slssymposium@gmail.com