The Should Be Attached handout printed onto transparency sheets, cut n Then EACH That panel contains only one picture. To begin, divide your class Into groups of 3-4 ("any bigger & the Exercise Becomes Too Complicated), and hand out a marker and one with picture To Each
transparency group. The Order in Which you hand out The Sheets Does not matter. Each is group instructed to
write Then at least 2-3 sentences about What is happening in the picture, and You Can Specify Which / How Many of Each verb type They Are to use, and even (if Desired) Give Them A list of verbs Which to choose from. I Give Students Usually about 10 minutes to complete this part of The Activity, On The Level goal DEPENDING of the class, The Time may vary.

Once They Have Completed all their "little story" collective The transparencies and put 'em in order. You Can mount Them On The transparenc
y machine and read the Story When THEY could form all together. Usually, I read-through panel EACH With The class and correct gram
matical Any Mistakes, Focusing specifically use one verb.
WARNING: You are going
to get some hilarious results, so Be Prepared for lots of laughing!