Below we have a list of German idioms, expressions, and proverbs about money. Teachers can use these to in an activity. For German learners, these are excellent for enhancing your speech and/or writing. You do not need to memorize these. Use these occasionally and in an appropriate context.
Kopf oder Zahl - Heads or tails.
Im Geld schwimmen - To roll in money.
Geld allein macht nicht glücklich - Money isn't everything.
Er hat Geld wie Heu - He has tons of money.
Geld waschen - to launder money.
Geld regiert die Welt - Money makes the world go round.
Handwerk hat goldenen Boden – A trade in hand finds gold in every land.
Unrecht Gut gedeihet nicht - Ill-gotten goods never prosper.
Das Geld zum Fenster hinauswerfen - To throw away your money.
Das Geld liegt nicht auf der Straße - Money doesn't grow on trees.
Wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist des Tales nicht wert - Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves.
Nach Geld stinken - To be filthy rich.
Zeit ist Geld - Time is money.
Ein Glückstreffer - A bang for the buck.
Ins Geld gehen - Is becoming expensive.
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