Greetings WL friends! Wishing you all a Happy Easter, and a restful Spring Break!
This morning, I want to share this post with you about Educreations:
Educreations: Adding Value to the Classroom
Mr Renfro, our colleague, has several terrific ideas to consider how to use this excellent FREE tool, and how to curate engaging content. He also, very rightfully, encourages us to share what we create with others. I also want to encourage us all to do this – with all the amazing things each one seeks to do for our students, if we share our creative and engaging activities with each other, we all benefit, as do our students! I would also like to encourage you to share here what you might like to create and share! Got an idea? Want some reflective coaching from colleagues? Let's start a conversation! I hope to see some posts from you soon.
Best wishes,
@dr_dmd / Twitter
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Location:Napa, CA, USA