Five-Minute Film Festival: Tips and Tools for PBL Planning | Edutopia
I love PBL (aka Project-based learning) because my students love PBL! The basic idea is that the porjects become a contructivist means to learn through collaborative inquiry by creating product(s) demonstrating that learning has happened! Once the project has been completed, I then move on to proficiency-based assessment tools to measure that students can communicate in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes in both oral and written contexts. What happens then? I am usually amazed by what students know and are able to do in ways I did not seen before I switched to PBL. Seriously, the students not only are more proficient than in the past, but they are more engaged in their own learning, exercicing their collective intellectual resources, and happier because they are more proud of their accomplishments. They own their learning! Love that.
Want to know more about PBL? Check out these resources at Edutopia. See also the many resources at (The Buck Institute for Education). I have been developing a website devoted to PBL for World languages as well here. Want more? Feel free to contact me on Twitter.
@dr_dmd / Twitter
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