Here is Christina with another beautiful German song:
"Nur in meinem Kopf" by Andreas Bourani.
"Nur in meinem Kopf" is Andreas Bourani's first single, and it came out in 2011. His first album "Staub und Fantasie" ("Dust and Phantasy") followed in the same year.
Only in My Head
In three seconds I can conquer the world,
Storm the heavens and live inside me. In two seconds bring peace, make love, poison the enemy. In one second build castles, Move in for two days and beat everything to bits. Burn all the money in the world And know the future today.
And all that is only in my head.
And all that is only in my head. I would’ve gladly stayed there longer, but the thoughts come in and fly out. Everything only in my head. And all that is only in my head.
We’re invisible for two seconds of eternity.
I stop time, can learn to fly in seconds. And know what it’s like to never die. See the world through your eyes, Closed eyes and walking through walls.
And all that is only in my head.
And all that is only in my head. I would’ve gladly stayed there longer, but the thoughts come in and fly out. Everything only in my head. And all that is only in my head.
You are like me, and I’m like you.
We’re all made of imagination. We’re made of dust and imagination. We’re made of dust and imagination.
And all that is only in my head.
And all that is only in my head. I would’ve gladly stayed there longer, but the thoughts come in and fly out. Everything only in my head. And all that is only in my head.
And all that is only in my head.
And all that is only in my head. I would’ve gladly stayed there longer, but the thoughts come in and fly out. |
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