Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013

Chris here again wishing everyone a Happy New Year! This past year was very successful for us and we appreciate everyone who visits and follows us! We have released the first three picture and activity collections and have expanded our social media presence with into Twitter (@C_LaCross) as well as our Flickr page which offers fellow language teachers 100s of free pictures to enhance their lessons.We have exciting plans for the coming year which we cannot fully reveal yet, but to give everyone a teaser, here are some of the things you can expect for next year:

- Site revamp (same great content, brand new look)
- Expanded Flickr content (Germany, France, Latin America & More)
- YouTube language lessons for a variety of languages
- Language Learning Service for a variety of languages and ability levels (featuring 1-on-1 or small group lessons with native speakers via Skype)
- Release of our Role Plays Redesigned activities book
- Series 2 of our pictures and activity collections

& much more! We'll see you in 2013!

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

News: Top 100 Tools for Learning 2012

Here are the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2012 – the results of the 6th Annual Learning Tools Survey - as voted for by 582 learning professionals worldwide.

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

ESL/EFL: Great Games for Your ESL Classroom

Hello, here is a small list of fun games you can use in your language classes. The description is for ESL but you can adapt these for any language. I hope you find them useful! 7 Games for Your ESL Classroom. Do you use any other games in your classroom? What works well?

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

News: Flickr stream updates

Hello all, Chris here again with a quick update. We have added several new pictures on our Flickr page in our China and Japan collections. Feel free to incorporate these pictures into your lessons and activities. You can follow the link below or via the slideshow on the right side of the page. Thanks for checking them out!

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Technology: How technology can help students learn

In a recent article, educators and experts share their insights and advice for integrating technology into the classroom in ways that improve student learning. According to Sylvia Martinez, president of Generation YES, "The best way to use tech in the classroom is when the technology primarily supports the process of student learning, not the product." In what ways do you use technology in the classroom? Which ways of using technology were you already familiar with and what ways were new for you?

How technology can help students learn

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Technology: Education technology terms

Education technology is diverse and constantly evolving. It has a language all its own and there are terms teachers and administrators should know. In the article linked below, writer Corey Murray shares 24 education-technology terms that should be known by all teachers and administrators. These include one-to-one learning, adaptive learning, blended learning and differentiated learning, in which technology is used to match students' individual learning styles. You can view the other terms by reading the article linked below. How many of the terms were you familiar with before reading the article? How do you use technology in your classroom? 

Education tech-talk

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

News: Diplomats visit immersion classes

Students and teachers at an elementary school in Glendale, Calif., received a visit last week from important guests -- diplomats from the Los Angeles based German consulate. The diplomats came away with a positive view of the school district's growing commitment to dual immersion education and pledged to help the school secure grants for language programs and to provide students with opportunities to study in Germany when they get older. You can read more about this immersion setting via the article linked below:

Diplomats visit immersion classes

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

News: UM's Language House fits 10 languages under one roof

Students living in the University of Maryland's Language House spend 80% of their time speaking a language other than English, such as Spanish, French or Japanese."It's like study abroad without studying abroad," said Phoenix Liu, director of the program. You can read more about this exciting immersion setting in the article linked below:

UM's Language House

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

News: Scaffolding for Deep Understanding

Hello all, today I would like to share an interesting article with you. Scaffolding for Deep Understanding talks about the different types of learners and gives a strategy on how we can help students become more 'expert' in learning. I hope you find it useful!

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

News: Konglish

Have you ever heard of Konglish? Here is a really cool article I found on Konglish, follow the link if you would like A Lesson in Korean Konglish!

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Video: How does stress change the meaning of a sentence?

Hello everyone, here is a nice video I came across on teaching intonation. I think this lesson is a nice example of how to teach stress. I hope you like it!

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

German: Lügenzähler Werbung (Bild)

Chris here again with a funny German commercial  to share with fellow German teachers and learners!

 Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

German: Als der Nikolaus kam

Chris here again with a Christmas-related post for fellow German teachers/learners. In 1947 the German author Erich Kästner translated "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (also known as "The Night Before Christmas") into German. Below is that translation:

Als der Nikolaus kam
German by Erich Kästner (1947)

In der Nacht vor dem Christfest, da regte
   im Haus
sich niemand und nichts, nicht mal
   eine Maus.
Die Strümpfe, die hingen paarweis
   am Kamin
und warteten drauf, daß Sankt Niklas
Die Kinder lagen gekuschelt
   im Bett
und träumten vom Äpfel- und

Die Mutter schlief tief, und auch ich
   schlief brav,
wie die Murmeltiere im
als draußen vorm Hause ein
   Lärm losbrach,
daß ich aufsprang und dachte: Siehst
   rasch einmal nach!
Ich rannte zum Fenster und, fast noch
   im Lauf,
stieß ich die knarrenden
   Läden auf.

Es hatte geschneit, und der
   Mondschein lag
so silbern auf allem, als sei's
   heller Tag.
Acht winzige Renntierchen kamen
vor einen ganz, ganz kleinen Schlitten
Auf dem Bock saß ein Kutscher, so alt
   und so klein,
daß ich wußte, das kann nur der
   Nikolaus sein!

Die Renntiere kamen daher wie
   der Wind,
und der Alte, der pfiff, und er rief
   laut: "Geschwind!
Renn, Renner! Tanz, Tänzer! Flieg,
   fliegende Hitz'!
Hui, Sternschnupp'! Hui, Liebling! Hui,
   Donner und Blitz!
Die Veranda hinauf und die
   Hauswand hinan!
Immer fort mit euch! Fort mit euch! Hui,
   mein Gespann!"

Wie das Laub, das der Herbststurm die
   Straßen lang fegt
und, steht was im Weg, in den Himmel
   hoch trägt,
so trug es den Schlitten hin auf
   unser Haus
samt dem Spielzeug und samt dem
   Sankt Nikolaus!
Kaum war das geschehen, vernahm ich
   schon schwach
das Stampfen der zierlichen Hufe
   vom Dach.

Dann wollt' ich die Fensterläden
da plumpste der Nikolaus in den
Sein Rock war aus Pelzwerk, vom Kopf
   bis zum Fuß.
Jetzt klebte er freilich voll
   Asche und Ruß.
Sein Bündel trug Nikolaus
so wie die Hausierer bei uns
   ihren Sack.

Zwei Grübchen, wie lustig! Wie blitzte
   sein Blick!
Die Bäckchen zartrosa, die Nas' rot
   und dick!
Der Bart war schneeweiß, und der
   drollige Mund
sah aus wie gemalt, so klein und
Im Munde, da qualmte ein
und der Rauch, der umwand wie ein
   Kranz seinen Schopf.

--- [Kästner seemingly chose not to translate two lines from the original English version]

Ich lachte hell, wie er so vor
   mir stand,
ein rundlicher Zwerg aus dem
Er schaute mich an und schnitt
   ein Gesicht,
als wollte er sagen: "Nun, fürchte
   dich nicht!"
Das Spielzeug stopfte er, eifrig
   und stumm,
in die Strümpfe, war fertig, drehte
   sich um,
hob den Finger zur Nase, nickte
   mir zu,
kroch in den Kamin und war fort
   im Nu!

In den Schlitten sprang er und pfiff
   dem Gespann,
da flogen sie schon über Täler
   und Tann.
Doch ich hört' ihn noch rufen, von fern
   klang es sacht:
"Frohe Weihnachten allen, - und allen
   gut' Nacht!"

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Spanish: Argentine Gestures

Hello all, Chris here again. Today I would like to share a great blog post I came across which would be of interest to Spanish teachers and learners. This is from and details four gestures one might encounter in Argentina. These might help you fight right in and communicate with the locals.

You can view the article here.

A good point to consider for teachers of other languages:

  • Are there any gestures in your language/culture or unique to an area/city which might be of interest to learn?

Feel free to share with us!

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Who cares about English? Panel discussion recording

The British Council and the Oxford English Dictionary sponsored a discussion with an expert panel on Thursday 27 September 2012. The event considered issues such as:

  • Does ‘standard English’ exist in today’s globalized society? 
  • Who regulates the language – lexicographers, the education system, the media – or the public? 
  • Is the language being dumbed down? And does this matter? 
  • Should we be worried about the state of English today? 

John Knagg, Head of English Research at the British Council chaired the discussion with these panel members:

  • John Simpson, Chief Editor, Oxford English Dictionary 
  • Romesh Gunesekera, novelist 
  • Henry Hitchings, journalist and author of The Language Wars 
  • Prudence Raper, former Hon Secretary of the Queen’s English Society 

Who cares about English? Panel discussion recording

Spanish: Video Los Reyes Magos

Hello, here is a nice video on the story of Los Reyes Magos, an important part of Spanish Christmas traditions. Enjoy!

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Useful Links: News in Levels

Hi all, I found this really cool website with easy to read news in English. I'm sure you will find this useful in your English classes! News in levels

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Happy Holidays!

(Pic from All rights theirs.)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Spanish: Mayan Calendar

Hello, here is a really nice video about the Mayan calendar and what the story of 12/21/12 is.
I hope you enjoy it!

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Technology: Fotobabble

iPad Tutorial - Fotobabble

This tutorial shows you how to use Fotobabble on the iPad to add audio recordings to images and then convert them to short video clips.

 Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Jobs: Spanish teacher needed at LSMSA, Los Angeles CA

Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

The school seeks an experienced, college-level Spanish teacher who can teach Accelerated Spanish I (entry level), Accelerated Spanish II (intermediate), and Advanced Spanish Language and Literature courses.
The successful candidate must have a background in advanced literature and culture, with native language fluency.
A good candidate will be flexible, and have the desire and ability to work with students individually in acquiring a knowledge of and comfort with the Spanish language during office hours and tutorials.
Teaching Spanish at LSMSA also requires a willingness to mentor students as they prepare to compete in state and national language competitions and programs.
Other duties include academic advising and sponsoring, chaperoning, or assisting in extra-curricular activities outside of the normal school day.
A Ph.D. in Spanish is preferred; an M.A. in Spanish is required.
Application Process for Faculty Positions: Review of applications will begin February 25, 2013 and the search will remain open until a position is filled.
An application should include a resume and statement of teaching philosophy, an official transcript from the last degree granting institution, and the names and contact information for three references.
This may be sent electronically to
or mailed to:
Mrs. Peggy Dalme, Human Resources Officer
LSMSA 715 University Parkway
Natchitoches, LA 71457

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

German: Funny Kia commercials (video)

Chris here again. Today I have a video to share with fellow German teachers and learners. This is a compilation of Kia commercials from 2008 with the tagline "Fill up with fun". Enjoy!

 Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Saturday, December 22, 2012

German: Verb of the week - springen (11/18/12)

Chris here again with your weekly German verb: springen / to jump

Principal parts: springen / sprang / gesprungen
Helping verb: sein
Type: irregular verb


Kannst du weit springen? / Can you jump far?
Ja, ich kan sehr weit springen. / Yes, I can jump very far.


ich springe
du springst
er springt
wir springen
ihr springt
sie springen

ich bin gesprungen
du bist gesprungen
er ist gesprungen
wir sind gesprungen
ihr seid gesprungen
sie sind gesprungen


ich sprang
du sprangst
er sprang
wir sprangen
ihr sprangt
sie sprangen


ich war gesprungen
du warst gesprungen
er war gesprungen
wir waren gesprungen
ihr wart gesprungen
sie waren gesprungen
Futur I

ich werde springen
du wirst springen
er wird springen
wir werden springen
ihr werdet springen
sie werden springen

Futur II

ich werde gesprungen sein
du wirst gesprungen sein
er wird gesprungen sein
wir werden gesprungen sein
ihr werdet gesprungen sein
sie werden gesprungen sein

Präsens Konditional

ich würde springen
du würdest springen
er würde springen
wir würden springen
ihr würdet springen
sie würden springen

Perfekt Konditional

ich würde gesprungen sein
du würdest gesprungen sein
er würde gesprungen sein
wir würden gesprungen sein
ihr würdet gesprungen sein
sie würden gesprungen sein

Präsens Konjunktiv

ich springe
du springest
er springe
wir springen
ihr springet
sie springen

Perfekt Konjunktiv

ich sei gesprungen
du seiest gesprungen
er sei gesprungen
wir seien gesprungen
ihr seiet gesprungen
sie seien gesprungen

Präteritum Konjunktiv

ich spränge
du sprängest
er spränge
wir sprängen
ihr spränget
sie sprängen

Plusquamperfekt Konjunktiv

ich wäre gesprungen
du wärest gesprungen
er wäre gesprungen
wir wären gesprungen
ihr wäret gesprungen
sie wären gesprungen

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

News: China struggles to replace aging translators

According to industry experts, China faces a shortage of individuals with the skills and training to translate scientific content from other languages into Chinese. "Science and technology translation requires one's high proficiency in science knowledge and language, but people with such skills usually choose other occupations other than translator, because the importance of translation is minimized in China," said Zhao Wenli, deputy secretary-general of the Science and Technology Translators' Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. You can read more about this developing issue via the article linked below:

China struggles to replace aging translators

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

News: Indonesia to expand ICT-based ecuation

During the recent International Symposium on Open, Distance and E-Learning, officials in Indonesia announced plans to use ICT-based education in schools. According to the plan, information and communication technology would be rolled out in 100,000 schools nationwide by 2014. "Indonesia is an archipelagic country with 13,000 islands, but we are optimistic that we can provide the best education to all school-age students despite any geographical obstacles," professor Taufik Hanafi said.

You can read more about these developments via the article linked below:

Indonesia to expand ICT-based ecuation
Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

News: Japanese parents want better English education

A recent survey of parents in Japan found that almost 90% of those polled believe that English education should be improved. The central issue appears to be that English lessons offer few opportunities to speak the language and focus too little on practical skills. The survey also found that a majority of parents place a priority on their children being globally competitive. You can read more about the results of the survey and English education in Japan via the link below:

Japanese want better English education

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Jobs: Maternity Leave Opening - Park Ridge High School, NJ‏

Maternity Leave Opening
Park Ridge High School
Park Ridge, New Jersey
German Position starting March 1, 2013 until June 21, 2013 - Full Time

Please contact:
Ruth McIlhargy
Supervisor of World Languages 
 201-573-6000 FREE  ext. 5900

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Jobs: Freedom High School German Position - Morganton, NC‏

Freedom High School, located in picturesque Burke County, North Carolina, is
taking applications for a High School German Teacher. German has been a
strong program at Freedom since it first opened, and the school boasts a
long-running GAPP program, as well. There is strong community support for
the language.

Morganton, in Burke County, is located in the North Carolina Foothills and
is 45 minutes from Asheville, North Carolina. It is slightly over an hour
from Charlotte, North Carolina.
The instructor chosen for the job will be responsible for German II courses
at the start of employment, but should be comfortable teaching both higher
and lower level courses. Dual certification in other subject areas is highly
recommended. The position has a start date of January 23, 2013.

Salary is based upon experience, education level, and National Board
Certification. North Carolina salary schedules and benefits can be viewed

Interested applicants should send a resume and cover letter via post or
email to:

Principal Mike Swan
511 Independence Blvd.
Morganton, NC 28655
Telephone: (828) 433-1310

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Jobs: Long-term Sub needed: St. Charles, IL‏

Maternity leave position – HS German
St. Charles East HS; St. Charles, IL (western suburb of Chicago)
60% position - consisting of:
2 sections of German 1 &
1 section of German 3/4 combined.

Starting Jan. 25, 2013-Apr. 24, 2013 (dates could change slightly)

Job posting information with link to apply through Kane Co. Consortium:

Additional information:
German 1 – Deutsch Aktuell 1
German 3 – Genial B1
German 4 – Aspekte
Periods 2, 3, 5 in an 8-period day

Questions: Please contact Nicole Johnson at
Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

News: Indiana school diversifies its language program with Mandarin

Nearly 50 students at the Logansport High School in Indiana are enrolled in the school's inaugural Mandarin class, and by the end of the first semester, students are speaking in short, yet full sentences and practicing writing with Chinese characters. School officials introduced the course after moving its German classes to an online only format. The school also offers Spanish and French. This is another example of the growing trend toward learning Mandarin with the more traditional foreign languages becoming less appealing. In what ways can these language programs compete with the growth of Mandarin programs? Does your school offer a Mandarin program? Have you experienced a shift in enrollments?
You can read more about the school's program via the article linked below:

Indiana school diversifies its language program with Mandarin

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Jobs: German Language Teacher - Loyola Blakefield High School - Baltimore, MD‏

Title: German Language Teacher
Status: 10 Month, Full-Time
Department: Modern Language
Availability: August 15, 2013
Compensation: Competitive

Organization Description:
Loyola Blakefield, founded in 1852 in Baltimore, Maryland, is a Catholic
independent school for boys in grades 6 - 12. Loyola is inspired by the
principles of St. Ignatius Loyola and the Society of Jesus. The ideal
candidate must support Loyola Blakefield's mission of building young men who
are Religious, Loving, Academically Competent, Open to Growth, Committed to
Diversity, and Committed to Working for a Just World.
In keeping with its mission, Loyola Blakefield strives to recruit faculty
and staff of diverse ethnic, religious, geographic and socioeconomic

Job Description:
Loyola Blakefield's Modern Language Department is searching for a caring,
career-minded education professional to teach German. The position may include
teaching at all levels from middle school to AP Language. The teacher will work in a
dynamic, collaborative and technology rich environment with fellow teachers to create
an educationally sound and developmentally appropriate learning environment.

Duties and Responsibilities:
. Teach a full course load; 5 classes and emergency proctoring
. Participate in co-curricular, service and retreat opportunities with students
. Collaborate and communicate effectively with students, parents, colleagues
and administrators
. Other duties as assigned
Ideal Candidate will Possess:
. Bachelor's degree in German and three years of successful teaching
experience at the middle school or high school level.
. Teaching fluency in Spanish or Italian and/or proficiency in Latin
. A clear understanding of and commitment to Loyola Blakefield's mission of
graduating young men who are Religious, Loving, Academically Competent, Open to Growth,
Committed to Diversity, and Committed to Working for a Just World.
. Working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
. Experience with an online grading program (i.e. FA Web, Edline,
PowerSchool, or Blackboard)
. Positive, creative, solution oriented temperament

Application Process:
Qualified applicants are encouraged to submit their resume (by Jan 5, 2013)
with a brief cover letter including references to:

Mr. John McCaul
Assistant Principal for Faculty Development Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Jobs: Full-time Position - Millard Public Schools (Omaha, NE‏)

We have a full-time German position open at Russell Middle School (grades
6-7-8) in the Millard Public Schools in Omaha, Nebraska. The position will
begin in August 2013. We are looking for an energetic and enthusiastic
teacher to take over a well-established program! Here is a link to the job
listings of the Millard Public Schools:
Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Monday, December 17, 2012

News: Professors & Social Media (infographic)

Chris here again. Today we have an infographic from to share which explores how professors are adapting to and using social media. Enjoy!

Professors & Social Media

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

News: The future of higher education (infographic)

Chris here again. Today we have an infographic brought to us via on the future of higher education with a focus on the impact of technology and how it will shape education. Enjoy!

The Future of Higher Education

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

News: Foreign language taught at a distance using Skype

Students at a Wisconsin school are using Skype to participate in a distance learning exchange with a school in Thailand. The Wisconsin students are learning about Asian culture in an accredited class taught by a teacher in Thailand, while students in Thailand learn about U.S. history. Officials recently announced that the program, which began about two years ago, would continue at least until 2015. You can read more about the program via the article linked below:

Foreign language taught at a distance using Skype

Let us know what you think! Connect with us @C_LaCross

Research: Brain activity the same whether reading Chinese or English

A recent study has found that people use the same part of their brain even while reading vastly different language systems from the logographic characters for Chinese to the Western alphabet for French. Previous studies have presumed a difference between the brain function required for reading a one character word and the function required for reading a word made of multiple letters. According to the article, a better understanding of brain activity during reading could help educators improve literacy learning strategies. You can read more about this exciting study via the Scientific American article linked below:

Jobs: Instructor position, Austin, TX

The German-Texan Heritage Society (GTHS) is currently seeking teachers to
instruct adult evening classes and Saturday children's classes
(Samstagsschule). Teachers do not need to be certified, but must be
proficient German speakers with some teaching or tutoring experience.

GTHS courses are based on the German language program held at the German
Free School in downtown Austin. Classes are offered to both adults and
children at varying experience levels. The children's classes are open to
kids ages 3-14.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to: German Texan
Heritage Society, PO Box 684171, Austin, TX 78768. For more information
contact or call (512) 482-0927.

The German-Texan Heritage Society is a statewide non-profit organization
dedicated to preserving the unique culture that evolved as German immigrants
settled and thrived in Texas from the mid-1800's onwards. Founded in 1978,
the Society has a long-standing record of community enrichment achieved
through cultural programs and events, educational and genealogical
resources, publications, and social gatherings. More information about our
programs is available at

Review Game! Have your students review with a snow fight!

I remember in high school one teacher, who I can't remember exactly...either an English or History teacher, had us push the desk and chairs to each side of the class making two "trenches." We balled up old quizzes, tests, and homework, and for about five minutes threw the paper balls back and forth at each other. I can't remember the point of the lesson, but I do remember it was lots of fun! So when Lee Adams told me about a review activity he played involving balled up paper I was hooked. He thinks he got it from The Accelerated Learning Handbook.

  1. Basically each student gets a piece of scratch paper (be it homework that you accidentally photocopied with a typo and it thus is trash or any other one side free page). I often tell them they can use old math or chemistry assignments to get more of a cathartic relief. 
  2. On the paper they legibly write a question in English from something that we covered (or that I have told them will be on the test). 
  3. They each ball up the piece of paper and wait.
  4. Once everyone is ready set a timer for 30 seconds (if you have an IWB or projector I suggest the bomb countdown). 
  5. Let chaos break out as the students have 30 seconds to pelt the "snowballs" at one another (and probably the teacher too).
  6. When the timer goes off they have to grab the "snowball" closest to them. 
  7. The teacher takes turns calling on volunteers to read their question and come up with the answer.
 As always, I can think of a few alternatives

  • Make the snowballs yourself. Now this is one less step for the students, but if you have specific things you want covered it may be better. Hand out the paper as though it were a one page quiz and then tell the students to ball it up! That will make them happy :-)
  • Make it a competition. My teenagers LOVE competing against one another. So do like my high school teacher did. Divide the class into two groups. At the end if they answer their review question right, their team gets 10 points. If they don't get it right, let their team help them out and if as a team they are correct they get 5 points. (Let the other team steal after that for 5 points i f you wish)
  • Code it! Give each student a different color paper (or save the planet and use scratch paper that you've put different symbols onto). Tell them that a blue (or smiley face) paper is vocabulary, a green (or star) is relative clauses, a red (or circle) is short story, etc. That way they are still writing the questions, but you can promise a variety of categories at least. 
  • Use it for new vocabulary or grammar. Have them write a sentence with a blank for the voab word (or draw a picture of the vocabulary word) OR have them write an example of the new grammar and the student has to guess the grammar (or vice versa, they write the grammar topic and the student would need to give a sample sentence).
So there we go, a great way to get the blood pumping in your class!

If you are looking for another easy, no prep and fun game like Flyswatter.

Would you use this in your class? Would you change it first? What other ideas does it give you?

German: Verb of the Week (12/11/12) - haben

Chris here again with another German verb of the week:

haben - to have
  • Regular
  • no stem change
  • hatte, hat gemacht
Hast du einen Bruder oder eine Schwester? / Do you have a brother or sister?
Hast du deine Hausaufgaben gemacht? / Did you do your homework?



ich habe
du hast
er hat
sie hat
es hat
wir haben
ihr habt
sie haben
Sie haben

ich hatte
du hattest
er hatte
sie hatte
es hatte
wir hatten
ihr hattet
sie hatten
Sie hatten

ich habe gehabt
du hast gehabt
er hat gehabt
sie hat gehabt
es hat gehabt
wir haben gehabt
ihr habt gehabt
sie haben gehabt
Sie haben gehabt

ich hatte gehabt
du hattest gehabt
er hatte gehabt
sie hatte gehabt
es hatte gehabt
wir hatten gehabt
ihr hattet gehabt
sie hatten gehabt
Sie hatten gehabt

ich werde haben
du wirst haben
er wird haben
sie wird haben
es wird haben
wir werden haben
ihr werdet haben
sie werden haben
Sie werden haben

Futur II
ich werde gehabt haben
du wirst gehabt haben
er wird gehabt haben
sie wird gehabt haben
es wird gehabt haben
wir werden gehabt haben
ihr werdet gehabt haben
sie werden gehabt haben
Sie werden gehabt haben 

(du) hab!
(ihr) habt!
haben Sie!
haben wir

Konjunktiv I
ich habe (hätte)
du habest
er habe
sie habe
es habe
wir haben (hätten)
ihr habet
sie haben (hätten)
Sie haben (hätten)

Konjunktiv II
ich hätte
du hättest
er hätte
sie hätte
es hätte
wir hätten
ihr hättet
sie hätten
Sie hätten
er habe gehabt
ich hätte gehabt
sie hätten gehabt

Monday, December 10, 2012

Video Games, better than teachers?

I often frequent sites such as 9gag for funny graphics and comics to use in class. Recently I came across this gem which states, "Video Games Teach English since 1980's better than English Teachers..."

First of all, I feel like it should be "the 1980's2 but that may just be being picky.

There is some truth to the fact that people tend to learn language very well through video games. I have a friend who went to a very good school, but claims she really learned all her English from World of Warcraft.

Do I think that video games are better than teachers? No! Of course not. However, they are fun, engaging, repetitive, and a great way to pick up fluency. 

Second Life has great success with some free learning opportunities. Check out some here

For example there's the British Isle here:

Cyprus which has English speaking volunteers

The Learning Expereince:

Friday, December 7, 2012

Jobs: English Teacher at Clark University

Clark University seeks an outstanding teacher-scholar with successful experience teaching urban youth, a commitment to research that creates useable knowledge in and for practice, thorough knowledge of literacy development, academic literacy, and related practice at the secondary level, and knowledge of English language learning.
A strong candidate also will be a proven collaborator, expected to work closely with colleagues from the Adam Institute for Urban Teaching and School Practice and the Hiatt Center for Urban Education and with teachers from longstanding partner schools, including the award-winning University Park Campus School. Responsibilities will include teaching courses in the areas of literacy development, English language learning, and urban teaching to both pre-service and in-service teachers, and conducting research relevant to urban teaching and learning.  Additional interest or expertise would be valued in areas such as: National Writing Project, critical pedagogies, and culturally-informed teaching and curriculum. Appointment as an assistant professor requires a doctorate in education or a related field prior to August 31, 2013.

This tenure-line position is an exceptional opportunity to contribute to Clark’s focused effort to combine research and practice in urban education (see Send cover letter, CV, and letters of recommendation from at least three references to Education Literacy Search, Human Resources, Clark University, 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610 or email Application review will begin on December 3, 2012 and continue until the position is filled.


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