Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Spanish: El Pipila

Hello again, Becky here!

Below is an activity for Spanish class that I put together about the Pipila in Guanajuato, Mexico. Enjoy!

Antes de leer: Mirando las fotos,

1. ¿Cómo es el Pípila?
2. ¿Dónde está ubicada esta estatua?
3. ¿Cómo se llega a verla?

El Pípila era un personaje de la época de la Independencia de México de cuyo origen hay diferentes versiones, tal vez debido a que únicamente participó con el ejército Insurgente de Hidalgo en la toma de la Alhóndiga de Granaditas.
El insurgente Pedro García que conoció en Guanajuato al Pípila dice que era un hombre fuerte, valiente, que sabía leer y escribir; de tipo mestizo, con mucho de indio otomí o chichimeca, de color moreno, pelo lacio y oscuro y complexión musculosa. Partidario de la causa insurgente, pertenecía al ejército organizado por Miguel Hidalgo y Allende.
Fuertemente armados, los españoles resistían al ejército de Hidalgo en la Alhóndiga de Granaditas en Guanajuato, que era una fortaleza española en la cual se almacenaban granos para el tiempo de escasez. El esfuerzo del ejército de Miguel Hidalgo parecía inútil y costaba muchas vidas de sus tropas mal armadas. En ese momento, el Pípila, poniéndose una gruesa losa (stone) en la espalda, prendió fuego a la puerta de la Alhóndiga y abrió la puerta para que fuera posible ocuparla. Así ganó victoria el ejército de Hidalgo en su primera batalla contra los españoles el 28 de septiembre de 1810.
Hoy en día se le recuerda con una estatua colocada en la parte alta de la ciudad de Guanajuato, obra del escultor Juan Olaguíbel, que mide veintiséis metros de altura.
Después de leer el artículo:
1. ¿Cómo era el Pípila en realidad?
2. ¿Qué era la Alhóndiga?
3. ¿Por qué es el Pípila una figura importante en la historia de México?
4. ¿Cómo lo recuerdan?

Spanish: Callejon del beso

Hello everyone, Becky here!

I have pasted below an activity about the Callejon del beso in Guanajuato, Mexico.


La leyenda del \"Callejón del beso\"

Guanajuato (Notimex).- La ciudad de Guanajuato es considerada como uno de los lugares más románticos de México, por sus estrechas y empinadas callejuelas, sus numerosas iglesias y viejas casonas multicolores, y por sus historias de amor, la mayoría de ellas relacionadas con el afamado \"Callejón del Beso\".
Todo el que llega a Guanajuato, sobre todo si es en pareja, pregunta por este sitio tan singular, donde se han acuñado diversas leyendas, como la que habla del amor de Doña Carmen y Don Carlos, una de las más sorprendentes por su valor trágico y romántico.
Según la leyenda del “Callejón del beso”, Carmen era hija única de un padre violento que la tenía casi aislada de la sociedad, a fin de evitar que le llegara el amor.
No obstante, en algunas \"escapadas\", Carmen se enamoró de Carlos, un humilde minero, con el que se veía en un templo cercano a su hogar.
Al ser descubierta tuvo que soportar el encierro al que la sometió su padre, bajo la amenaza de enviarla a un convento y casarla en España con un viejo y rico noble, con el que, además, acrecentaría el padre su hacienda.
En aquella época, todas las doncellas tenían a su dama de compañía, así que la bella mujer entregó una carta a Carlos en la que le revela el trágico suceso. Así aprendió que una ventana de la casa de Carmen daba hacia un angosto callejón, tan estrecho, que era posible, asomado (stick out) a la ventana, tocar con la mano la pared de enfrente. Si lograba entrar a la casa frontera podría hablar con su amada, y entre los dos, encontrar una solución a su problema. Preguntó quién era el dueño de aquella casa y la adquirió a \"precio de oro\". Así, los enamorados tuvieron largas noches para consumar su amor hasta que un día el padre escuchó los murmullos y entró a la habitación de Carmen y encontró a la pareja reunida. Enfurecido y en gran acto de violencia, clavó una daga en el pecho de su hija. Ante la tragedia, Carlos enmudeció de espanto y dejó en sus manos, tersas y sin vida, un tierno beso.
El joven no pudo soportar vivir sin el amor de Carmen y desesperado se suicidó.
La leyenda se corona con una advertencia: La pareja que visite este sitio y se dé un beso en el tercer escalón de este afluente angosto (narrow) logrará su felicidad durante siete años, sin embargo, quien no lo haga y pise el lugar, tendrá siete años de mala suerte.
Preguntas de comprensión:
1. ¿Cuáles son 3 razones que Guanajuato es considerada un lugar romántico, según el artículo?
2. ¿Quiénes son los personajes principales de la leyenda del “Callejón del beso”?
3. ¿Cómo es el padre de Carmen?
4. ¿Cómo es Carlos?
5. ¿Cuáles son los planes del padre para Carmen? ¿Por qué?
6. ¿Cómo aprende Carlos sobre el lugar de encuentro?
7. ¿Qué hace el padre de Carmen cuando la encuentra con Carlos?
8. ¿Qué hace Carlos al final de la leyenda?
9. Hoy en día, cuando una pareja visita el “Callejón del beso”, ¿cuál es la advertencia de la leyenda?
10. ¿Cómo es el “Callejón del beso”? Si fueras al “callejón del beso”, besarías a tu novio/a? ¿Por qué sí o no?

Spanish: Mate Activity

Hello everyone, Becky here!
I have pasted below an activity that I have used with mate and commands in my Spanish classes. Enjoy!

Un aspecto MUY importante de la cultura argentina es el mate. ¿Qué es mate? Vamos a mirar en el libro ¡Che, boludo! para averiguar.
Escribe los mandatos formales en los espacios para los verbos dados.
1. 1. Cada cebador tiene su manera de preparar el mate, esta es una forma. _____________ (Llenar) con yerba las tres cuartas partes del mate.
2. _____________ (Tapar) el mate con la mano y ______________ (sacudir el mate) inclinándolo ________ (por/para) que la yerba se acumule de un lado.
3. _____________ (Mojar) la bombilla con agua e _____________ (introducir la bombilla). _______________ (Acomodar la bombilla) en el lado libre.
4. _____________ (Añadir) el agua caliente (pero no hirviendo) sobre un costadito de la yerba.
5. Cuando el mate esté lavado, o sea, ya no sabe bien, _____________ (desechar) la yerba usada y _____________ (preparar) el mate otra vez.
6. Ahora, tengo todo que necesitamos para prepararnos un mate. Ingrediants.jpg
Explíquenme cómo prepararlos usando mandatos informales y haré cada cosa que me dicen que hay que hacer.

Monday, May 30, 2011

News: Technology Watch - Cloud Computing & Language Learning

Hello all, Chris here with some language learning news. Cloud Computing has been tagged as a technology to keep an eye for language teaching. Check out the following article for more information:


News: ESL Expansion in Montreal - Increased Demand for Teachers

Hello all, Chris here with some more language learning news. Montreal is expanding intensive English programs which means there will be a surge in demand for qualified ESL teachers! Read the article below for more information:

News: Illinois Foreign Language Program Plans Improvements

Hello all, Chris here again with some more language learning news. An Illinois foreign language program has some serious goals for its learners - all students being bilingual by the time they graduate. The program is planning some major technology purchases among other things. Follow the link below for the full article:

News: Spanish Immersion Shows Positive Results

Hello all, Chris here with some more language news as we wrap up the month. Check out the following article on a Spanish immersion program. Students report that they gain clear advantages from their immersion experience.


News: Holiday Wishes

Hello all, Chris here wishing everyone a safe and fun holiday!

Spanish: Shopping Crossword

Hello all, Claudia here with the first of our downloadable content for Spanish. Below is a crossword I created on some general shopping vocabulary. Enjoy!

LTT - SPAN Shopping Crossword

LTT - SPAN Shopping Crossword Answer

Friday, May 27, 2011

New Releases: Focus - Belgium Coming Soon

Hello all, Chris here with some information on an upcoming product and the second in our picture & activity collection series.

Focus: Belgium

Focus: Belgium provides the French language teacher with a substantial collection of pictures of Belgium! This diverse collection provides pictures ranging from cultural sites, plants & animals to food and everyday life in Belgium, with a focus on Brussels. All pictures are labeled and sorted according to country and category to allow you to quickly find the pictures you need.

In addition, this collection comes with a diverse set of reproducible activities in PDF format which make use of the pictures as well as several tips and strategies for incorporating these pictures into your classroom!

Contains 1 DVD 
250+ Pictures
7 Activities with multiple variants

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spanish Video: Conversaciones 3 Questions Added

Hello all, Claudia here.

I've added comprehension questions to our Conversaciones 3 video!

You can find the original post and video here:

News: English Proficiency required for Graduation in New London Conn.

Hello all, Chris here again with some more language learning policy news. The city of New London in Connecticut is using a new policy of mandatory proficiency in English as part of High School graduation requirements. The local article can be found here:


News: Language Policy - Improving Hispanic Education

Hello all, Chris here with your language learning news! Today there is some policy news regarding the growing population of Hispanic students who are learning English as a second language. Check out this article from TIME. The link for the article is here:


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

News: Social Media in the Classroom - Today's Meet

Hello all, Chris here with more language learning news. Check out the following article on a Twitter-like program called Today's Meet which an Iowa teacher is using to view running feedback which can be viewed at any time. The full article can be found here:


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Teaching Strategies: Incorporating Variations of the TL into Class Activities

Hello everyone, Becky here!

In order to incorporate the use of different variations of the target language into beginning language courses, students can role play speakers from different regions in short dialogs they create using the chapter's vocabulary. They can also role play different characters in an interview setting. One person can be the interviewer and the other a famous person. The pair can prepare questions and answers based on their roles using the structures they learn in beginning courses, while adopting features of the speech of the famous person's variation in their speech. After performing this interview in front of the class, the classmates will guess who the famous person is and where he/she is from.


News: California Budget Cuts

Hello all, Chris here again with your language learning news! Budget cuts loom again as San Francisco is expected to cut foreign language classes. Check the following link for the full article:


Budget cuts unfortunately are a real threat facing many language programs across the country. While each situation is different, what are some steps that can be taken to help language programs and promote language learning in general?

News: Duolingo

Hello all, Chris here with your language learning news. Take a look at the following article about Duolingo, a website which challenges its users to translate the text of the web page into other languages! The full article can be found here:


Friday, May 20, 2011

News: College Langauge Immesion Programs

Hello all, Chris here with more language news. I came across an interesting article in USA Today regarding several college campuses which are including an immersion component to language learning. Students live in 'language dorms' and throughout the semester they will do most everything in the target language. The full article is available here:


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

News: Mobile ELL Learning

Hello all, Chris here with your language teaching news. Check out the article below which about ELL mobile initiatives which help engage students' parents in the learning process.


News: 5th Graders Teach Spanish via Teleconference!

Hello all, Chris here with more language learning news. Take a look at the article below about 5th graders teaching Spanish to 2nd graders via teleconferencing!


News: Teaching French with Gestures

Hello all, Chris here again with your language teaching news. Please take a look at this interesting article which provides an overview of an innovative new teaching method in a French class which is doing away with textbooks and placing an emphasis on students producing spontaneous speech.


Monday, May 16, 2011

French Video: L'histoire de la Tour Eiffel[Darabani_XI-a B]

Hello all, Johanne here again with another French video. This time I would like to share a video on the history of the Eiffel Tower! Enjoy!

French Video: Saint Germain de Près

Hello all, Johanne here. Today I have another video to share with you. This one is about Saint Germain de Près! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

News: Dual-Langauge Immersion Programs Growing in Popularity

Hello all, Chris here with your language teaching news. I found this article in the LA Times regarding the increasing popularity of dual-language immersion programs. The argument behind dual-language immersion is that learning to read in students' primary languages helps them increase English fluency as well. Conversely, the same applies for students whose native language is English but who also want to learn a foreign language. Check here for the full article:


Drop us a comment whether you agree or disagree with the article.

  • What do you think about immersion programs in general?
  • Do you think immersion programs would work in your area schools?
  • What are some positive and negative aspects of immersion teaching?

French Video: Paris in 1900 - Exposition Universelle [Rare Footage]

Hello all, Johanne here with another fun French Video. This one includes some rare footage of the Exposition Universelle from 1900. Enjoy!

French Video: Daphnée, your lovely French Teacher - User's path (Learn French)

Hello all, Johanne here with another French video.

Japanese: online Kanji Practice

Hi all, Yumiko desu.

The semester is over and now it is time to keep practicing kanji. This website includes all the kanji that Japanese elementary school children learn. I think it will help you not forgetting kanji you have learned so far but also becoming familiar with new kanji. It is also interesting to see which kanji Japanese children learn from 1st grade to 6th grade. Have a great summer!


Thursday, May 12, 2011

German Video: Highlights of Germany

Hello all, Chris here with another video. This time it's a video highlighting various tourist attractions and a general overview of Germany. Enjoy!

German: Job Vocabulary Word Search

Hello all, Chris here with the latest in our Downloadable Content. Today we have another German Word Search to share! This time it is for Job Vocabulary! Below you will find a downloadable word search and the answer key. Enjoy!

LTT - GER Job Vocabulary (Word Search Answer Key)

LTT - GER Job Vocabulary (Word Search Answer Key)

Monday, May 9, 2011

News: Business English Courses

Hello all, Chris again. Today we have a guest post from a colleague and reader of the site, Julia Veltum! Read on for her post:

Hello all, Julia here. I want to share with you my design of a Business English course on project management. In this course students were introduced into the basics of PM and the language of meetings. We have two competing teams who meet twice a week to prepare a presentation on a strategy for increasing the number of international students at our university. Both groups have decided to promote the university with a short video clip. I am really curious what they will present :)

In this course we practice online research, presentational skills and the language of meetings (incl. agenda and minutes writing). I monitor their progress by taking notes during their meetings (to give feedback on their language) and receiving their agendas and minutes.

As everything is done in teamwork, I am not quite sure how to grade it in the end. Would you give all team members the same grade, or would you distinguish between them (e.g. based on their contribution to the presentation)? I would appreciate your suggestions.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Spanish: Recetas con Se Pasivo

Hello all, Claudia here,

I recently used a fun activity for practicing the se pasivo with my students and I would like to share it with you. First I had different cooking recipes of Latin American dishes for the class to see. In Spanish, recipes are normally written in imperative or infinitive. I then have the students change the recipes into se pasivo which is a pretty good practive for conjugating.

Here is an example of the activity:

The fun part comes as a home project! Have your students form groups and make a video of themselves making a dish of their choice using the se pasivo. This is a really fun activity for students and a nice way to get them to practice outside of the classroom. An alternative to the videos could be to take pictures while they cook and make a presentation to the class.

Monday, May 2, 2011

News: Opportunity for High School Students of Japanese

Hello everyone, Becky here! I have pasted below information for high school students studying Japanese below. Enjoy!

Dear Sensei-gata in the U.S.
The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles (JFLA) is now accepting applications for the following program.
Please see our website (http://www.jflalc.org/grant_index.html) or the attached “Program Announcement”(PDF) for the details. (Deadline: 5/13/2011)
"JET Memorial Invitation Program for U.S. High School Students"
To commemorate the two JET program participants who sadly lost their lives during the Great East Earthquake in Japan, Ms. Taylor Anderson (Ishinomaki, Miyagi) and Mr. Montgomery Dickson (Rikuzen-Takata, Iwate), the Japan Foundation will invite American high school students, who are studying Japanese language, to Japan and provide them with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of Japanese language and culture, in the hope that they will serve as a bridge between the two countries in the future. The program will run, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for five years, starting in 2011.
Program Location and Accommodation
The Japan Foundation Japanese Language Institute, Kansai
Program Schedule
7/16(Sat) Assemble in San Francisco (S.F.)
7/17(Sun) Pre-departure Orientation
7/18(Mon) Leave S.F. (7/19 Arriving in Osaka, Japan)
7/19(Tue)~7/27(Wed) Main Program in Japan
7/28(Thu) Leave Osaka (7/28 Arriving at S.F.)
7/28(Thu)~ 7/29(Fri) Wrap-up Meeting
7/29(Fri) or 7/30(Sat) Leave S.F. (return home)
Application Procedure
Deadline: May 13, 2011 (Friday)
Application materials (attached) must be submitted by the applicant’s Japanese-language teacher. The Japanese-language teacher may submit applications for up to TWO students per school. Application materials must ARRIVE at the JFLA office no later than Friday, May 13, 2011. The result will be notified in June, 2011.
Applicant must fulfill all the following criteria:
(1) U.S. citizen
(2) 11th or 12th grade high school student in the U.S. as of the end of May 2011
(3) Completed a two year Japanese-language course at a U.S. high school and have earned a credit in a Japanese-language course in the 2010-2011 school year. In addition, participants intend to continue to study Japanese in the coming years
(4) A member of Japanese National Honor Society (JNHS) or have equivalent academic score (Japanese GPA: 3.5 or higher; all-subject GPA: 3.0 or higher)
(5) As of the program start date, have not stayed in Japan for more than seven consecutive days within the past three years
(6) Able to take part in the entire itinerary, including the pre-visit orientation and post-visit wrap-up meeting in San Francisco
(7) In good physical and mental health
(8) Have consent of parent/guardian.
Mamiko Nakai
Program Officer (Language)
The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles
333 S. Grand Ave., #2250
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: 1-213-621-2267 (Ext.110)

News: CARLA - LTE 2011

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)
"Expanding Our Horizons"
Seventh International Conference on Language Teacher Education
May 19-21, 2011
Radisson University Hotel
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Designed for practitioners and researchers involved in the preparation and ongoing professional development of language teachers, this conference will address the education of teachers of all languages, at all instructional and institutional levels, and in all the many national and international contexts in which this takes place including: English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESL/EFL) instruction; foreign/modern/world language teaching; bilingual education; immersion education; indigenous and minority language education; and the teaching of less commonly taught languages.

The conference aims to bring together teacher educators from these many contexts to discuss and share research, theory, and best practices and to initiate and sustain meaningful professional dialogue across languages, levels, and settings. The conference will focus on four broad themes:

•Knowledge Base of Language Teacher Education
•Social, Cultural, and Political Contexts of Language Teacher Education
•Collaborations in Language Teacher Education
•Practices of Language Teacher Education


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